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A call to end distance education.. Officials demand the return of schools in Britain

Italian officials have called for the vaccination of young people and teachers in order to hinder the spread of the mutating Corona virus, the return of schools, and the end of distance education, according to the Italian newspaper "Aki".

"The vaccination of young people is important for two reasons, being that we vaccinate people who can get sick, and we hinder the spread of the virus that mutates and does maneuvers compared to what we do," said the Government Commissioner for the Corona Emergency, General Francesco Filiolo, in press statements.

"If we want to prevent evolutionary mutations, such as the delta mutant, we need to vaccinate as many people as possible, as well as young people who socialize a lot, and can carry the virus without symptoms or with mild symptoms, and possibly attack vulnerable populations," the government commissioner for the Corona emergency added.

"Italy is beautiful when you win as a team. I am glad that I have put in place a plan that is paying off, day in and day out, to secure more than 80-year-olds, of whom we have fully vaccinated 91%, and access to two-dose vaccinations for 55% of the vaccinable population," General Filiuolo noted. Adding: "I have said that we will reach 60% of the country's population vaccinated by the end of July, and we will definitely reach that percentage."

The Secretary-General of the Italian Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, expressed full support for "obligating the teaching staff to take the anti-coronavirus vaccine. Enough with a distance study. The priority is to return to the study in person."

In an interview with the newspaper "Corriere della Sera" today, Monday, Letta stressed that "from the data that has been published, comes the worst alarm, it is necessary to raise the level of the message given and the European reaction, compared to France and Greece," and indicated that "the Democratic Party bears the maximum From the responsibility, in favor of enforcing the green pass at school, in companies and on trains and planes.”

"We need harmonized rules with Europe, because in recent months every country has done it alone and this is not good," the former prime minister said.

